Workout Plan


This offering is a six-day workout plan geared for the teen with scoliosis. Growing up as a teen with scoliosis myself, I know the benefits of a written program of light cardio, basic core strengthening, and low-impact aerobics. I wish to offer a six-day schedule with explanations on how to perform each exercise so that they have something to get them out of the computer chair and develop essential muscles. Developing these muscles will help them cope with scoliosis later in life, maybe without the need for corrective surgery or a back brace.  

I'm asking for feedback on how this workout can be improved. Submit your feedback by clicking here 


Arm Circles

o   Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms out to the sides.

o   Movement: Make small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles. Reverse direction of the circles after 30 seconds.

o   Duration: Perform for 1 minute.